A judge who knows can say, "No"
Interesting consumer product case

Another reason to proofread

Imagine you write an article for a CLE seminar. It's a good article. So good that Judge Alex Kozinski finds it helpful and decides to cite it in a published opinion. Unfortunately for you, he finds a typo. And he lets us know about it. (On page 4).

Peter L. Winik, Consumer Product Safety Commission: Current Developments in Law and Practice A-4 (ABA Ctr. for Cont’g Legal Educ. Nat’l Inst. 1997) (“The CPSC takes the position that language [sic] ‘each product involved’ means each individual unit of product sold to consumers. Thus, in most cases of non-reporting, it is possible for the CPSC to argue that it can aggregate penalties up to the statutory maximum.”).

Of course, it's still very cool to get cited in a published opinion, so I imagine Mr. Winik is willing to take the bad with the very good.
