Three strikes in California
Moot Court

Law office managment

Bob Sheridan offers some very good advice for criminal defense lawyers:

It is better to read law books calmly than it is to experience the frustration of having your time wasted because you were insufficiently self-protective.

One way to avoid having your time spent improvidently is to limit the amount of time you'll spend on a free discussion to encourage a prospective client to come in so you can evaluate his situation.

Another is to agree to a modest cover charge for the initial discussion which will be credited against a retainer, should there be a retainer.

The best way that I've found to avoid Nonclients is to discuss an amount for attorney compensation to a telephone caller.

No matter what amount is mentioned, this caller, blessedly, will never come in. This technique works so predictably well to screen out anticipated problem-clients that it seems like magic. Use it when you've decided it will not be helpful for this person to come in. You mention an amount, the person doesn't come in. Neither of you is disappointed.

His full post is here.
