Spin to the Left, Spin to the Right
"Data Privacy And The Vanishing Fourth Amendment"

In re Judicial Misconduct

I'll have much more to say about this 58-page opinion later.  The case is a boil.  If you want to see true judicial activism, you should read it.  Unlike the Newdow case, where reasonable minds could differ, the District Court's actions - and the three-monkey-conduct of a majority of the panel - is wicked, raw, judicial power.  The trial court's actions, and the panel's conclusion, rely not on reason, or on authority, but on naked power.  No one can stop them, and therefore they will do it.  I know the name of the trial court who is the subject of these proceedings.  The panel keeps his name secret.  If you want to know more about the subject of this case, check out this article.

Kozinski's dissent is brilliant, and much more tempered than anything I'm capable of currently writing.
