Mr. Roberts Awakens to a New World
In re Judicial Misconduct

Spin to the Left, Spin to the Right

A recent ABA survey shows that more than half of Americans disapprove of the jobs judges are doing.  Those polled frequently mentioned "judicial activism" as a major problem.  But according to the ABA Journal eReport article, the results were not wholly surprising.

The survey results did not surprise a prominent constitutional law scholar.  The survey results reflect the reality that "there is a lot of judicial activism under any definition," says John O. McGinnis, a professor at Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago.

One scholar with an alternative viewpoint was surprised with the extent of dissatisfaction shown toward the judiciary. "These are surprisingly large numbers," says Mark V. Tushnet, a constitutional law professor at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C.

Same quotes, different spin.  Read Orin Kerr's post for context.
