Crime and Punishment
November 22, 2005
This really cool site provides original images from books and newspapers of "18th and 19th century punishments, ranging from extreme embarrassment, through imprisonment and transportation, to death." Also check out the site's other pages. The welcome message to the site notes:
This is an audio-visual tour through the darker side of local history as reflected in the documents in the care of the Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent Archive Service and the William Salt Library. You will find out about bad behaviour over four centuries and the responses which it provoked. The experience may not be very edifying, but we hope you will find it informative.
The tour is divided into the five sections shown on the right, each of which contains two or more individual documents. You can take any route you like through the tour, although we recommend that you go through the sections and documents in the order in which they are displayed. Click on one of the headings to begin. And please . . . don’t have nightmares.