The Courage of Ralph Adam Fine
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Laughing at Serious People

Something I've always enjoyed was getting a good laugh a people who consider themselves quite serious (and important!) but who are actually very funny.  One place with lots of ripe fruits is Craigslist, especially the legal jobs section in the SF Bay area.  (I'm serious!) 

There are two sets of comical posts.  The first set of posts come from lawyers, and they usually go something like this (emphasis and typos in original): "LOOKING FOR SUPERDUPERPERSON.  TOP CREDENTIALS ONLY NEED APPLY.  WILL PAY $5/HOUR."  Would a super-duper person work for someone who can't write a decent job description and is offering to pay $5/hr.?  Seriously, how can the person writing that description take himself seriously?  (And it's no defense that the lawyer had her secretary place the listing, as the hiring lawyer should be reading these things.)

The second set come from people who want to turn their petty legal squabbles into World War III.  Here is a recent example (formatting and typos in original):

A tenant defense attorney is needed to assista a legally educated professional in the South Bay Peninsula for representation and assist in the discovery process to defend against a very clear retaliatory eviction.
I am able to write the motions although a quick review from an attorney would be great.
My lease agreement stipulates to attorneys fees for the prevailing side and mediation prior to a UD. The property owner failed to act on mediation and has been in a constructive eviction mode since my first very reasonable complaint almost 5 months ago.

The 3 day notice to quit is riddled with legal defects for an effective set of law and motion responses.

My defense brief has extensive evidence of the Plaintiff's written documents, evidence the rental lessor's violations of my California Constitutional Rights, United States Constitutional rights, contract breachs, and retaliation after going to a government agency to report a serious health hazard. I have witnesses, former tenants, neighbors, and move-in licensed contractor to prove that her conduct was malicious, discriminatory and not credible.

It is an extreme case of sheer retaliation.

I have access to legal timeline software - Summation and can put a case together.

The counter suit will be for wrongful eviction, malicous prosecution, personal injury, defamation, and gender discrimination.

Two large government agencies are now investigating my briefs against the property owner. I have claimed there is no attorney representing me on specific constitutional rights violations regarding housing discrimination.

Rental Housing in the South Bay has just jumped about 15% my take is that the job market has improved. And it is vibrant here as opposed to the past. So I am motivated to stay and not move.

And that, dear friends, is how I get a good laugh on a Sunday night.
