Justice Omerta
Potential Podcast Topics

Public Defenders: Why Do They Do It?

Craig Williams and Bob Ambrogi have this interesting podcast:

Some of the best lawyers in the country are our Public Defenders. They have heavy caseloads, longer hours than most lawyers and they take starting salaries of $35K! in many parts of the U-S! Why do they do it? On this week's Coast to Coast with hosts and Law.com bloggers, J. Craig Williams and Robert Ambrogi, our guests give us a window on their world as Public Defenders. We're fortunate to have Attorney Josh Hayne from the Massachusetts Public Defender's office, Attorney Greg Apt, Public Defender in Los Angeles County and Attorney Robert Spangenberg, President of The Spangenberg Group, conducting research on civil and criminal justice system-related topics for over 20 years.

Check it out.
