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Collateral Consequences of Conviction

Once a client has done his time, he has paid his debt to society, correct?

Wrong. A felony conviction is the gift that keeps on giving. A Scarlet F can transform a life permanently.

What can be done to eliminate or mitigate the consequences of a felony conviction?

Start by ordering this book: Relief From The Collateral Consequences Of A Criminal Conviction: A State-By-State Guide. The book was published in 2006 and was written by Margaret Colgate Love, a former federal prosecutor. Here's the publisher's blurb on the book.

You can order it here

"The guide is the first comprehensive survey of U.S. laws and practices that offers a way to overcome or mitigate the collateral legal consequences of a criminal conviction. It begins with short analytical pieces on executive pardon, judicial expungement and sealing, deferred adjudication and set-aside, certificates of rehabilitation and laws that limit consideration of conviction in connection with employment and licensing. The heart of the guide is its detailed descriptions for each U.S. jurisdiction of available relief mechanisms and how they operate. Includes charts allowing easy state-to-state comparisons. It is an invaluable resource for policymakers and researchers dealing with the legal barriers to offender re-entry, and for practitioners at every level of the justice system."

I am ordering mine today.
