Judge Jackass Gets His Wish
February 26, 2007
WTIC radio in Connecticut is reporting this morning that blubbering Judge Larry Seidlin of Fort Lauderdale has been offered a spot of some sort on the Early Show. This represents an all-time low for the judiiary in the United States.
First, the judge meandered for days through the Anna Nicole Smith hearings. "Oh, what to do with the decaying body of this aging pinup girl?" he all but wondered. Then he salted the hearings with anecdotes about himself. He swims. He had a tuna sandwich for lunch. He cried.
I don't know whether the position at CBS will require that he leave the bench. It should. His conduct on the bench last week was not reflective of what takes place in a court of law where a judge strives to see that justice is done. Seidlin is an embarassment.