The Spearhead Goes Jezebel
December 20, 2010
What does some beta male at the "pro male" site, The Spearhead, have in common with the feminist twits at Jezebel? They both dislike my comments about the guy who sucker punched a man, and filmed it.
At least the chick at Jezebel uses her real name. The anonymous guy at the Spearhead, thinks I'm a "liberal," and refers to my "supersonic stupidity." When I do cardio later today, I'll amuse myself with comments.
I'll write something longer and nastier about The Spearhead guy later, maybe, but here's a summary: If you're a dude who takes care of his body, is good in bed, is cool, and is interesting, then women don't cheat on you. No one will tell you this, because it's mean. If you get cheated on, it's your fault. You've failed as a man.
Thus, anti-cheating mores are to me useless. I have no fear of a man "stealing" my woman from me, and thus don't need to rely on the charity of other men. PLEASE DON'T TAKE MY GIRL! Going around talking about hitting men for sleeping with your girl evidences weakness. It means you're afraid and insecure. You think you're a lion, threatening violence, when you're really a field mouse scampering through the woods, chirping anonymous mouse-thoughts.
I don't need morality, because what can some whiny male-bitch at The Spearhead do to me? He can't hurt my feelings, can't kick my ass in a fight, can't win an argument with me, and can't steal my women. Thus, I don't need to create moral rules. Morality exists for the weak, who collectivize to protect themselves from the strong.
Wouldn't it be better to become strong? "In the beginning, the noble caste was always the barbarian caste: their predominance did not lie mainly in physical strength but in strength of the soul—they were the whole human beings (which also means, at every level, 'more whole beasts.'" - Friedrich Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil.
Instead of trying to put chains on other guys by creating moral rules, hit the gym, read a book, learn how to be a better lover, give a massage, get really good at eating pussy, and pay more attention to your women.
In short, live by my philosophy - which is based on self-improvement and love instead of jealousy and hate. If you're better than me, I'm not going to stew in jealously juices or write anonymous disatribes on a blog. I'm going to befriend you.
Everyone of my friends is, in some way, my superior - just as I am in some way superior to all of my friends. Excellence is not achived through passivity, but instead is obtained through fellowship with superior men.
Stop being whiny haters, Spearhead guys. Or give it up now, and merge with Jezebel.