Why "The Spearhead" is Anti-Male
December 21, 2010
At year or so ago, I began reading a blog called The Spearhead. Focusing on men's issues and free from advertiser concerns (how whack has Esquire become?), it had potential. Unfortunately, it's failed. Let's examine why The Spearhead, far from being pro-male, it actually anti-male.
Currently on the Spearhead's front page is a post entitled, "All We Have To Do Is Stay Male and Fail." Reviewing, The Decline of Men, the author cries about how women's studies majors are writing mean books about men. Who cares? I would never read such a piece-of-shit book. Life is short, man, and I have things to do.
The Spearhead readers, like religious CONservatives and whiny LIEberals, seek out material to offend them. They gasp, demanding we listen to their exacerbated exhales. Here, e.g., is a comment that has already received 22 postive votes, with 0 negative votes:
Note the ironic use of "alpha." If the commenter were really alpha, he'd write his own article praising men. Fucking alphas, how do they work?
Sitting around crying about how the world is unfair is a little bitch move. Life has always been unfair - for pretty much everyone. I was born into a very poor family, but they loved me and gave me attention. My rich friends had money, but can't seem to get over their daddy and mommy issues.
All of us could spend our days niggling over childhood wounds. Or we could do something with our adult lives. What do they do at The Spearhead?
Instead of focusing on how to become better men, they cry that women are mean to them. Probably that's true: Women are men to The Spearhead readers. For good reason.
Wailing is about all you see at The Spearhead, and wailing is conduct unbecoming a man. There's not a poster there who says things like this:
Dear Wankers
You are whiny and pathethic. When is the last time you went to the gym, built a business, read an interesting book, or wrote an article?
You suck, and that's why women can't stand you.
Stop crying about women. They are not alone. Men don't like you either.
You would never be allowed to hang out with a crew of legitimate males. You're lame and useless. Unless this changes, everyone will view you with contempt - and rightfully so.
The problem is not with women. The problem is with you.
That seems cruel, and yet it's pro-male. No one advances in life playing defense. No one becomes a man by crying about mean wommenz. A person becomes a man by building himself up. Get busy living or stay busy crying.
As Sam commented a few weeks ago: "I've been reading a lot of Spearhead's articles recently and the comments always get me down thinking that, to follow men's rights issues, means I'm associated with those guys."
Until The Spearhead focuses on how men can build themselves, it will remain a contemptible failure.
You know what I’d kill for?I’d kill for articles praising men. articles telling us we do not have to change/apologise/accept responsibility blah blah
I have a dream(sorry MLK)
that one day men will be able to stand up and say “I am a Man-I am NOT a criminal!”