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How to Write About Free Speech Without Being Called a Misogynist

As someone who has written about free speech for a decade or so, I've seen people come and go. I've seen the quality of writing decline. Men are afraid of writing about free speech candidly as currently it's women who are making the push for censorship. If you criticize a woman, you will be called a misogynist. 

How can you maintain your intellectual integrity without being called mean names? It's hard, and these rules won't last forever. But there's a way to thread the needle. For now, anyway.

Rule 1. Virtue signal hard. Yes, you know that boys drool and girls rule!

Let people know that harassment against women is a huge issue, and you totally oppose it. You just also believe in free speech. Wring your hands for several paragraphs, explaining how much you love and adore women.

Make sure you write harassment against women is a problem.

Do not talk about harassment generally. Do not point out that men are harassed online by men and women. No, that is doing it wrong.

Women also never harass other women. Only men harass women. Strike that. Only straight white men and conservative gay men (like Milo Yiannopoulos) harass women.

Do not mention that I was doxed by Zoe Quinn (she's a victim of harassment!). And that the LAPD was called on me. Pretend I was never reported to the California State Bar for conduct you know damned well is protected free speech. Oh, also do not mention a woman falsely accused of making rape threats.

Calling the cops and trying to get me disbarred for my speech? That's not an issue. The issue is mean Tweets! They might call you a GamerGate person, and then what?

Men are never harassed online. Harassment against women is the problem.

Rule 2. Hold women to a lower standard than you'd hold men to.
(Rationalize this by saying you only punch up.)

If Anita Sarkessian says that calling her a liar is harassment, then by golly that's harassment. Forget that she said on video that she did not enjoy playing video games, and thus she lied when she said, "I'm a lifelong gamer." 

Do not make fun of Anita. She is the Queen Bee. You will feel her sting.

"Harassment is ... the day-to-day grind of 'You're a liar," and 'You suck.'" 
[This did not happen. You did not see it.]

Anita Sarkeesian sucks

If a man says such nonsense, you can puff your chest and be an alpha male. Grrr!

Rule 3. Feel unease whenever you write.

If you're a white straight man, your day is coming. Sooner or later you'll use the wrong terminology. This is especially true as you get older. Who can keep up with all the made-up words like TERF and transmisogyny?

You won't be able to defend free speech much longer, as attacks against free speech are being redefined as a means of protecting women.

You have another one to three years. Maybe.

When you do slip up, hopefully you still have some friends left.

Good luck!

In the meantime, I hope you found this guide useful. Feel free to share it at the next CLE.
